Ever think about costs etc for a website?….silly question…I think we all do!

We as a web design company deal mainly with small to medium sized companies and find that cost is inevitably king. Spending a fortune on setting up a site is quite consistent for most businesses. As the costs can run in to the thousands with hosting fees, maintenance contracts, site set-ups and adding extras to your site. The option of paying monthly for your website sounds like a good option – and it is! We pay for our mobile phone bill and in fact most of our bills monthly so why not your website.

Pay Monthly Website
Spread the payments over 12 months

Depending on your business needs and size the options will reflect this. For example and I might as well use our prices as a guide hey;) For a start up website without so much of the bells and whistles you are looking around the £45 per month mark, this is for a static site with on page SEO – with a set up fee of £75 and a contract for 12 months – only because there are 12 payments. This is perfect as far as I can see for a start up business, low cost with exactly what is needed. No need to worry about emails ,hosting and domain payments – its all in there. Once the business grows you can grow the site again by paying small amounts each month. Its very simple and extremely effective. For an e-commerce shop the prices are more naturally but again well priced so they don’t buckle your business and give you that flexibility to align some of your cash towards the marketing side of things – Google Adwords for example – this is a pay monthly service and if set-up correctly can deliver an impressive amount of traffic to your website. So you have two outgoings each month and as much traffic as your budget will allow.

For me that beats spending all your money on a website and then realising there’s little left in the pot to advertise and promote yourself online!




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