Cheap Website Design

So the word of the day is cheap. What does this mean? As an adjective the Oxford dictionary says this “costing little money or less than is usual or expected”.

It doesn’t say anywhere that cheap means of less quality. This is important because the word cheap gets bandied around with the meaning of low quality, especially in the web design world, I think there are a lot of businesses out there offering poor or low quality website services and charging a fortune for it! There are also plenty of web design companies offering an impressive service and beautiful and well designed websites at a cheap price, I’d like to think we are amongst the businesses in this latter category.

Our  pricing structure certainly helps and because we offer a pay monthly web design service which we believe help new start-ups and smaller sme’s to manage their smaller budget size with bite sized payments. We believe this works especially well if combined with an advertising campaign like Google Adwords. I suppose because of this you could say we are a cheap web design company! Although we do fit neatly in with a lot of professional web design companies regarding the overall price. Its just that we make things a little easier.

You will always get the students who offer a cheaper service but these are few and far between and they tend to get their business from a friend of a friend and they don’t make much of an impact.

The larger businesses like the blue chip types will always use a larger type web design business where price isn’t an issue and where they believe paying more means a better all round service. I suppose to those sized businesses we are extremely cheap! But then their expectations are more and we wouldn’t have the staff or resources to cope with a multimillion pound company.

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