Is Your Website Designed for the Customer Journey?

Many of the journeys customers go on may now be digital, but they’re no less real. The customer experience is vitally important to good web design and to the success of a business’s website. Understanding how to make the most of your website requires you to understand the customer journey, to map it out and know the crucial points along the way where the customer interacts with you. Just like a physical journey, a digital journey has to allow the user to clearly navigate their way to get to their desired destination. Web design has to make this possible, and at the same time, attract the site visitor in the first place. Using Feedback Physical customer interaction is relatively straightforward, because it involves a face-to-face exchange. In the digital world, this kind of up close contact is not possible, so feedback has to come from other sources. These sources include:  
  • click-through rates from search engines;
  • website analytics such as bounce rates;
  • responses to website offers;
  • customer reviews;
  • customer emails; and
  • online survey
To improve the customer journey, you need to continually analyse this data so that you can make informed decisions about your website and your online communications. Good Website Design A good website design will ask the kinds of questions of site visitors that makes them want to find out more. This is far more profound than choosing an attractive layout with headers and footers – it is about understanding your audience’s issues and problems and addressing them through your website. If your design focuses on the site visitor, then you are massively increasing your chances of bringing them along on the customer journey, to a satisfying conclusion. You want your website to help visitors find the right information, and when they’ve done this, to then take action. Who Are Your Customers? Your web traffic will consist of different people and different kinds of potential customers. To understand how to make the customer journey suitable for each, you have to picture the persona of your site visitor. This is going to involve more than one type. You have to consider things like their goals, what drives them; also, their challenges and pain points, and obstacles they might face to purchasing from you. You then have to put design and content together to address these things. If your information is designed around the various needs and desires of your visitors, then you increase the chances of them converting into customers, prospects or subscribers. You must speak their language, empathise with them, and be clear about how you can help them. Your website design and build should come from this understanding – discovery before design. At LV Media, we specialise in web design, serving Manchester and the North West. We work with you to ensure your customer journey is captured in how your website looks and functions. Contact us today for more details.

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