What Information Must You Include on Your Website?

Sometimes form can overshadow function, and many websites suffer from this: sure, they look great, but what they’re designed to do seems to have been lost along the way. Regardless of how your website looks, there are certain essential pieces of information you must include on it to help it work for your business. Your […]
Is Your Website Content Doing its Job?
Websites work for business. They are a means for customers to interact, to find out more and to buy direct from you. But websites are also a means of promotion and if your website isn’t actively working to let people know about you and to help generate more leads, and customers, then it isn’t doing […]
What Not To Do With Your Website
Creating a website has never been more straightforward, except that while pretty much anyone can create a website, not everyone can create a good one. For a website to be effective it has to be attractive, engaging and easy for visitors to navigate around. You need to optimise your site, and there are certain things […]
Why Optimise Your Website for Search Engines?
Why Optimise Your Website for Search Engines? There are a lot of websites out there, around one billion worldwide. That’s a lot to take in, and a lot of choice for anyone browsing or searching. This is why it’s so vital that your website can be easily found and is attractive to your audience. This […]
Search Engine Optimisation
Search engine optimisation, SEO, is the strategy by which web designers use keywords linked to your sites’ content to help people find your website through search engines such as Bing and Google. Millions of people that use the internet will use search engines to find what they want because they are simple. If someone is […]
Does your eCommerce site convert clicks in to sales?
As a business you have decided to expand in to the online market that is the internet by having a beautifully designed ecommerce website. But does your site convert clicks in to sales? It’s all well and good have an attractive website but you want visitors to end up as paying customers. There are a […]